Jesus The Easter Sunday Resurrection Video

Jesus said "Preach the goodnews." and  "I am with you."

The last scene make me cry

He is alive now and here, with us.

Napkin Evangelism (냅킨 전도법 from IVP)

What do you think about our society?
What do you hear on the news?
-trouble, deceptions, wars and famine...-
How do you feel about this situations?
It is so sad. Isn't it? Many people hope to put the world right. Actually the world that existed in the past was good.
In the bible, that says "In the beginnig,
God created the earth beautiful and perfect." The relationship between God and human was close and intimate. People also had good relationships with each other. They loved and depended on each other. They took care of nature as well.

 Why did the world become so sad?
In the bible, it says it is because of self-contentedness. God is the Lord. But human wanted to be Lord. They used others, killed and harass each other. And people destroyed nature to  benefit themselves. So, today, there are many enviroment disasters.

God felt so sad. He came into the world as a human being his name is Jesus.
Jesus died upon the cross and resurrected.
As a result, the relationship between God and man became good again.

The close relationship had been recovered through Jesus. But, the world was believe in Jesus, need to discover God's intentions for world and walk closely with God daily. And God also wants us to do into the society with goodnews.

Many people, who want change the society, want to go (1) to (4) directly. But it is impossible. If they don't deal with their problems first, they wouldn't be able to restore the world. They can go that only through Jesus

   What do you think?  
   (2) Do you think our society has no problem? 
   (1) Do you think our society has serious problems
         and you do as well?
   (3) Do you believe Jesus for yourself and heaven?
         (But don't you go into our society?)
   (4) Do you live as sent person by God?

     Which picture are you in?

(translated by Jiyeon Lee,2014)
냅킨전도 - 안티기독교친구와 나누는 복음 이야기
(IVP, 원제: True Story)
 / 제임스 정 (James Choung)

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