Introducing EGG Programme @Waikato Missions Expo 2014


Hi I’m Jiyeon. I’m from South Korea.
Last month, I arrived in New Zealand for a short term mission trip and I help out in TSCF (H.C.F).
First, I would like to introduce you to a mission program called ‘EGG’ (Experience and grow globally). In Korea, TSCF is called KIVF(Korea Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship). The EGG program aims to challenge Korean students to be global Christians, and to be culturally sensitive. Korea is mono-cultural country. So, There is not many opportunity to experience cross cultures.

Before I came to NZ, I read the first five books of the bible. I was moved by the story of how God called Moses. He was scared and his excuse was “Who am I?” but God answered “I will be with you.” Then Moses asked what if people ask for your name? God answered ”I AM WHO I AM”. I didn’t know then that this verse would become very important to me. This verse helps me to be braver than I feel. 

  Next, I would like to talk how I decided to go on this mission trip.
Last year, I became president of KIVF in my uni. First I didn’t have self-confidence. Can I lead the group and how can I help others? But during the time I was president, I experienced God using me. God used me to lead daily prayer meeting. Every morning at 8am, we gathered to pray for campus. So every night before the meeting, I would prepare worship songs and prayer items for the meeting. God gave me wisdom, strength . So I can prepare and lead the group.
  When I applied for the mission program, I wanted to learn more about missions, and experience God at work everywhere in the world. I realized that my English ability and finances were not enough. So, by faith I took one semester off school and began preparing for this missions program. I studied English and worked at part-time job. Surprisingly, I passed the interview for the missions programme and I was selected to go to Hamilton, New Zealand. If I had chosen other country, I wouldn’t get a chance to go because the students for the EGG program to India and UK had already been selected before two semester ago. It was then that I felt sure that God called me to NZ. Many people in my church and KIVF are supporting me financially and in prayer. I am still very surprised that I am New Zealand now.

  These days, I think God is making me into a thankful person and it is a joy to serve God. Actually, I had a lot of confidence in myself when I joined the EGG programme. Because I thought I was a president and I was trained enough in Korea. But, in strange environment, I felt I am not enough training and I have to depend on God.
 Now, I feel thankful to God because I found I can help make poster, welcome new students, play the guitar and keyboard, and even catch flies.
 And also I felt I couldn’t do much but I could pray in Korean. When I was frustrated, I reminded moses story. I realized that I have to shift my focus from myself to God who is strong and not focus my own weaknesses. And I also feel thankful to God sending to me here so that I can experience various cultures such as Kiwi, Malaysian, Chinese, Indonesian, Singerporean and Fijian and I can make many new friends as well. Specially, in New Zealand, I can experience God who is creator when I see beautiful scenery. All this time I feel that He is training me to serve him better when I go home.

Enjoy your Easter egg and as you eat it remember to Experience and Grow Globally.

Thank you.

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