NZ Travels 2 Rotorua

I went to Rotorua on the 4th of May with HCF friends. Rotorua is a popular tourist destination in the North Island, New Zealand. I really wanted to go there to ride the 'Luge' because I saw it on the Korean TV show called "Where are you going, daddy?" On the show, there are 5 TV stars and their children and they travel to different countries. Last year, they visited Rotorua and rode the Luge. It looked like so much fun.

The Luge is unique wheeled gravity ride that provides riders full control over their descent. We bought tickets and took a Gondola to the starting point. I saw such beautiful scenery from the Gondola. I could see the lake and many houses. Such a pretty city it was!

There were so many people expecially children. So we had to wait a long time in the line. There are three levels -scenic intermediate,advanced- The first course is for learnner. That was quite boring. I like the advance course. It is very twisty and hilly. I sometimes slide down but it was so exciting!
I wanted to take a selfie-video while driving but I couldn't do that because I was going too fast and I could not grasp handle at the same time.

After riding, we went to the mud pool. Rotorua is famous for that. I could smell sulphur everywhere like eggs. I was surprised when I saw the mud pools. It was living! I could see bubbles and smoke. It was very interesting and warm. I've learnt about volcanos only at school. I think NewZealand is good country for studying geography. And then, we went to the lake and saw black swans. There were many ducks (or baby swans. I'm not sure...).

We had dinner at Korea restaurant. I ordered spicy miso soup. I was shocked that was $12. That's so expensive! I pay only $5 in korea. But...taste was nice and I was missing korean food. I became happy after dinner.

I will never forget Luge, mud pool and smell!

Interviewing Ji about Easter Camp

Li Lian: Describe your experience at Easter Camp?
Ji: I was impressed that many Japanese students were at the camp because I have never met Japanese students before. I was wondering about Japanese Christians but I was surprised to find that they were all not Christians yet. I thought that only Christians would attend Easter Camp; also I was surprised that they like being with Christians and were curious about God. So I asked one of the PNOCF student leaders "How did you invite non-Christians to the camp? Her answer was they prayed hard and maintained good friendships with people.

Li Lian: Are there differences between KIVF camps and OCF camps?
Ji: Quite similar except for prayer time. In KIVF, in the morning, we worship, have workshops and then group bible studies. In the afternoon, we have free time for 5 hours. We are encouraged to pray and seek God during that time. We don't really play games. In the evening, we worship, listen to the speaker, then we pray for half an hour to one hour and then group sharing before bed. KIVF camps tend to be more serious.

Li Lian: What was the highlight of your time in Foxton and at camp?
Ji: It was my first opportunity to spend a lot of time with HCFers and get to know them better. I had an opportunity to share about the EGG programme at camp. Before the presentation, I was worried that people would not understand my English or would get bored. After my presentation, I was glad that people came up to me and said they were encouraged by me. Praise God. I had a good time after camp at a restaurant with everyone. I was astonished at the size of Fiona's house and her two dogs.

I hope after a few years HCF will also be able to organise a camp like this, where many friends can join in.

4월 10일부터 2박3일간 Palmerston North TSCF에 속해있는 Overseas Christian Fellowship와 함께 Easter 캠프에 다녀왔다. 내가 속해 있는 HCF는 규모가 크지 않아서 PNOCF의 초대를 받아 캠프에 함께 참석하게 되었다.

뉴질랜드에는 부활절을 맞이한 다양한 행사들이 진행된다. 한국에서는 달걀 나눠주는 등 주로 교회안에서만 부활절을 기념하는 반면 이곳은 크리스찬이 아니여도 대부분의 사람들이 부활절을 기념한다. 마트에 가도 부활절 달걀, 선물들을 많이 판매하고 있다. 발렌타인데이와 비슷하게 달걀모양의 초콜렛을 성금요일 부터 토일월, 이렇게 4일동안 Easter holiday가 있다. 참으로 긴 연휴다^^.( 우리나라도 부활절 연휴가 있다면 더 많은 사람들이 부활절을 알게 될까?  개인적인 바람...)

자동차로 7시간이 걸려서야 Palmerstin North에 있는 Foxton에 도착했다.
뉴질랜드와서 처음으로 갔던 캠프가 뉴질랜더 수련회였다면, Easter Camp는 99%가 유학생들이었다. Launch camp보다는 어색하지 않았던거 같다. 뉴질랜드에서 생활한 시간이 지나서 인지, 아시안이어서 인지 모르겠지만^^. 특히 단 한명인 한국인 나를 반갑게 반겨줘서 더 적응하기 쉬웠던것 같다. (다시한번 K팝과 드라마에 감사..). 말레이시아, 중국, 일본 친구들이 모여있었다. 내가 가는 곳 마다 한국인이 없는 건 왜일까... 한국인 유학생을 만났으면 좋았을 껄이라는 아쉬움이 있었다.

기도회 빼고는 한국 아베프 수련회 스타일과 크게 다르진 않았다. 소그룹, 선택식 강의가 있는 것과 마지막 날에 동영상 만들어서 서로 함께 수련회 기간을 돌아보는것 또한 같았다.
숙소가 추워서일까 감기기운이 있어서 쉬는 시간에 많은 활동을 하진 못했지만 밤마다 게임하고 수다떤 것들이 참 기억에 남는다. 레크레이션 시간에 런닝맨 게임이 있었는데 아파서 참석하지 못했다. 아쉽다ㅠ.ㅠ
 일본 유학생들이 꽤 있다고해서 일본 기독교 상황에 대해 물어보고 싶었지만 역시나 캠프에참가한 일본유학생들 모두 non- christian였다... 추구팀 수련회도 아닌데 non-christian 친구들이 꽤 많아서 놀랐다. 왜 이 캠프에 오고 싶었는지 물어보니 '평소에 기독교 친구들을 좋아하고, 그들의 가치관에 관심이 있고 배우고 싶어서 왔다'고 대답했다. 와우! 할렐루야다. 우리 공동체(IVF, HCF)에도 이런 감사한 일들이 생겨나길 간절히 바란다. 리더중 한명에게 물어보니 평소에 non-christian 친구들과의 우정관계를 잘 유지하고 그들을 위해 기도했다고 한다. 삶으로 보여주는 그리스도인, 기도하는 그리스도인의 중요성을 다시 한번 깨달았다.
 설교하시는 간사님의 영어를 도통 이해할수 없어서 어떤 메세지 인지는 아직도 잘 모른다...
하지만 매 설교가 끝나고 소그룹으로 돌아가 함께 이야기 하는 시간이 있었는데 그 시간에 비 그리스도인 멤버들과 부활에 대해 이야기 하고 설명해 주면서 나또한 그 사건과 의미를 다시한번 되새길수 있는 감사한 시간을 보냈다.
 둘째날 밤에 EGG프로그램과 한국 IVF에 대해 소개할수 있는 시간이 주어졌다. 처음엔 지루하고 못알아 듣지 않을까라는 걱정이 있었지만, 발표후 다가와서 고맙다고 이야기하는 친구들이 있었다! 내가 더 감사하고 감사했다^^

 PNOCF는 개척된지 꽤 되고 자리잡은 공동체 여서인지 리더쉽이 잘 형성되어 있다고 생각했다. 우리 HCF리더들도 기도와 말씀으로 리더쉽이 세워져 갔으면 좋겟다. 아마 우리 공동체 리더들도 이번 수련회를 통해 많은 도전을 받은것 같다. 특히 Hamilton이 아닌 타지에서 함께 많은 시간을 보내서 인지 HCF친구들과도 더욱 가까워 질수 있는 시간이었다.*^^*

NZ travels 1. Wellington

 Wellington is the capital of New Zealand or the windy city. I was told that the Wellington weather is mainly rainy, windy and sometimes there are earthquakes. Wellington is located in the bottom of North Island and it is an 8 hour drive from Hamilton. But I didn't feel long and bored because I have already experienced two trips to other cities located in the area. I looked out of window and took pictures. The scenery was amazing. Wild, green field, sheep, cows and blue sky, I like going on long trips now. We passed the Desert road. That is a place with no trees, just scrubland and cold winds. There in this desolate place I saw such a big rainbow. It is the best biggest I had seen ever. 

Finally, after 8 hours, I arrived Wellington! There was strong rain. I prayed that the weather the next day would get better. I and my friend Abigail had stayed for 4 days in Rongapai (which means Good News in Maori). It is a student flat for Wellington TSCF. We had good time with students who live there. They were very kind and friendly. Too bad I didn't get a chance to take a photo with them. 

Second day (May 9th)
Fortunately, there was only a bit of rain. I saw that most people didn't carry umbrellas except Abigail and I. Because New Zealand is much cleaner than Korea or Singapore, they aren't worried about hair loss from chemical rain! We looked like real tourist so soon we closed our umbrellas too.

We went to the Te  Papa Museum. Many people recommended that place. It was such a big and wonderful place. I could understand why they are proud of it. There are so many sections. We were engrossed in taking pictures. The best thing was geography part (earthquake, volcano...). I could experience an earthquake in a simulator. Actually, I could have experienced a real one ! Because Wellington is one of the most earthquake-proned cities in New Zealand.
After that we went shopping in Cuba Street. There were quite unique shops there. I love it there! But we didn't have enough time to look around more because most shops close early in NZ. :-( 

 Third day (May 10th)
In the morning, we walked around the Botanic garden. I've expected beautiful flowers but there were not many flowers because winter is coming. We took a ride on the cable car. I also expected more but it was so short a route! I wanted to ride again but it was not cheap. So I was just satisfied with a short trip : )

We visited many famous places. We went to the Victoria university, law school, the Beehive, Railway station and the Cathedral church. All the buildings were so awesome. I was really enjoyed taking pictures. Finally, we went to Mt.Victoria. We could see the whole view of Wellington. I can’t express how beautiful it was. I love the houses located on the hills, mountains and the seaside. I realized I can take nice pictures of structures but cannot take pictures of nature and capture it fully.  (True of the picture of the rainbow as well) That's why God’s work is wonderful and creative. Amazing!

At night. I met Andrew's friends at the pub. In NZ, pubs are places to socialise and watch sport. I couldn't believe that I was drinking beer with the staff workers! It was a pretty good experience. Because of the culture, I would never have been able to imagine drinking with KIVF!!

 Fourth day (May 11th)
On the last day, we had such wonderful weather! We drove to the seaside and went to the Chocolate fish cafe beside the beach. We drank coffee outside in the sun and shared some bible verses and talked together. I felt so happy and peaceful with the bible, sunshine, coffee and lovely friends. 
And at night, we were back in the quiet city, Hamilton. I will never forget this beautiful city and friends I met!

 Thanks Andrew for the long hours of driving and thanks Abigail for your photos and spending time with me!