NZ travels 1. Wellington

 Wellington is the capital of New Zealand or the windy city. I was told that the Wellington weather is mainly rainy, windy and sometimes there are earthquakes. Wellington is located in the bottom of North Island and it is an 8 hour drive from Hamilton. But I didn't feel long and bored because I have already experienced two trips to other cities located in the area. I looked out of window and took pictures. The scenery was amazing. Wild, green field, sheep, cows and blue sky, I like going on long trips now. We passed the Desert road. That is a place with no trees, just scrubland and cold winds. There in this desolate place I saw such a big rainbow. It is the best biggest I had seen ever. 

Finally, after 8 hours, I arrived Wellington! There was strong rain. I prayed that the weather the next day would get better. I and my friend Abigail had stayed for 4 days in Rongapai (which means Good News in Maori). It is a student flat for Wellington TSCF. We had good time with students who live there. They were very kind and friendly. Too bad I didn't get a chance to take a photo with them. 

Second day (May 9th)
Fortunately, there was only a bit of rain. I saw that most people didn't carry umbrellas except Abigail and I. Because New Zealand is much cleaner than Korea or Singapore, they aren't worried about hair loss from chemical rain! We looked like real tourist so soon we closed our umbrellas too.

We went to the Te  Papa Museum. Many people recommended that place. It was such a big and wonderful place. I could understand why they are proud of it. There are so many sections. We were engrossed in taking pictures. The best thing was geography part (earthquake, volcano...). I could experience an earthquake in a simulator. Actually, I could have experienced a real one ! Because Wellington is one of the most earthquake-proned cities in New Zealand.
After that we went shopping in Cuba Street. There were quite unique shops there. I love it there! But we didn't have enough time to look around more because most shops close early in NZ. :-( 

 Third day (May 10th)
In the morning, we walked around the Botanic garden. I've expected beautiful flowers but there were not many flowers because winter is coming. We took a ride on the cable car. I also expected more but it was so short a route! I wanted to ride again but it was not cheap. So I was just satisfied with a short trip : )

We visited many famous places. We went to the Victoria university, law school, the Beehive, Railway station and the Cathedral church. All the buildings were so awesome. I was really enjoyed taking pictures. Finally, we went to Mt.Victoria. We could see the whole view of Wellington. I can’t express how beautiful it was. I love the houses located on the hills, mountains and the seaside. I realized I can take nice pictures of structures but cannot take pictures of nature and capture it fully.  (True of the picture of the rainbow as well) That's why God’s work is wonderful and creative. Amazing!

At night. I met Andrew's friends at the pub. In NZ, pubs are places to socialise and watch sport. I couldn't believe that I was drinking beer with the staff workers! It was a pretty good experience. Because of the culture, I would never have been able to imagine drinking with KIVF!!

 Fourth day (May 11th)
On the last day, we had such wonderful weather! We drove to the seaside and went to the Chocolate fish cafe beside the beach. We drank coffee outside in the sun and shared some bible verses and talked together. I felt so happy and peaceful with the bible, sunshine, coffee and lovely friends. 
And at night, we were back in the quiet city, Hamilton. I will never forget this beautiful city and friends I met!

 Thanks Andrew for the long hours of driving and thanks Abigail for your photos and spending time with me!

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