End of EGG programme

 End of EGG programme

My first month in New Zealand, everything was new—the weather, English, people and the house. I joined many groups and made many friends in Wintec and Waikato Uni. I was nervous but excited because I like to experience the new and I was free from my busy Korean life , parents and study.
When I found it hard to make friends and adapt to other cultures, I felt depressed and helplessness. I knew I needed wisdom from God. So every morning I had quiet time and God gave me the power and wisdom I needed for each day. Morning prayer meetings with HCF also gave me the strength I needed for the day.
I have often wondered what can I do here on this mission trip? During the prayer meetings I organised, we talked about our lives, God and shared prayer requests. We prayed together and prayed for the world. I am so thankful that I have been able to spend time with HCF members.

These past five months, I have learnt so many things: How to be close to new people from other cultures and adjust to new environments. Most of all, I learnt most about me. I think I am doing well! I experienced many things, and am growing globally. Most of all I feel HCFers really love each other and God really loves HCF, NZ.

I would like to say thank you to HCF. HCF encouraged when I felt depressed or lonely, HCF friends always welcomed me. I want to especially thank you for trying to understand me and bearing with my English. 
I will never forget this lovley country, NewZealand. 


H.C.F Daily Prayer Meeting

H.C.F(Hamilton Christian Fellowship) has started weekly morning prayer meeting throughout the month of May.

The first time I introduced the idea of daily prayer meetings organised by  KIVF, most of the students were surprised. (In Korea, we gather every morning at 7:50am on campus to pray) and they said that will be hard for HCF to do the same.

But in May when I suggested the idea again and they said 'yes'! We gathered every wednesday at 9am at first. Finally, we tried to do daily prayer meeting for a week.

We sang worship songs, did devotions and shared prayer items after that.We prayed for non-Christians on Monday. We have many non-christian friends in HCF and in university who had prayer needs. I felt very thankful that God cares for them. I think relationships and praying for friends and family are very important for HCF as a Christian Fellowship.

On Tuesday, we shared our own personal worries and prayed for each other.

On Wednesday, we prayed for world. It was a meaningful time. We shared the prayer items we had for our countries. We prayed for New Zealand, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey. All countries have problems: some with their governments and leaders who need to keep peace and have wisdom.

On Thursday, we talked about 'What should we do to become more like Jesus?' and "How to grow our relationship with God".

On Friday, we prayed for Hamilton Christian Fellowship, Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship and Korean Inter Varsity Fellowship.

To be honest, I was worried about prayer meetings. I thought it would be boring if I lead it Korea style. Because prayer styles here is little bit different from KIVF. But God gave me wisdom on how to lead even if I felt I didn't prepare well enough. I feel that God loves it when the HCF group prays together. Before organising these prayer meetings, I did not know what to do on my mission trip to NZ. But God gave courage and confidence. And I feel I became closer to HCF students when we prayed together! Praise God!  

NZ travels 3. Auckland

Auckland airport

Queen street


 Sky tower

Ferry terminal


 Mission bay
(in summer)
 (in winter)

Movenpock Ice cream shop

 Railway station

Day 7. Nelson

Day 7. Nelson

Today, is my last day in the South Island. I can't believe I travelled by myself in other country!
I am so proud of myself now.
The weather was so nice. Again I was worried about weather because it was strong windy and rainy.
Praise God! I am thankful for his mercies!
After raining, the scenery was amazing. I felt so fresh.
I went to Catheral church and walked around the city. There were a lot of art galleries. Everything was pretty-cafes, shops, houses...-
In the afternoon, I climbed to The Center of NZ. It was quite hilly and hard...
But on the top of hill, I could see Nelson city at a lookout. Such a beautiful city it was!
I will never forget these amazing cities in the South Island ever!

Day6. Christchurch to Greymouth/ Tranz Alpine Train

Day6. Tranz Alpine (Christchurch - Greymouth) 

Someone said "You have to take 'Tranz Alpine Train'  before you die." This trip is one of the popular travel journeys in the world. The train crosses the South lsland from Christchurch to Greymouth.
But it was also a rainy day. I couldn't see the beautiful scenery in the sun. I felt so sad as I expected so much.
After 4 hour, I arrived in Greymouth and left soon to Nelson. It took about 6 hours!
I was in the train and bus whole day.
Even I couldn't see many things, instead it was good time to rest and sleep..haha :D

Day5. Christchurch

Day 5. Christchurch
I arrived in Christchurch at night.
It was already dark and there were only a few people in town.
Many places were being fixed because of the earthquake which happened in 2011. I felt sad. I heard that it was once, one of the most beautiful cities in New Zealand.
I couldn't see anything there... because it was Sunday night.
I went to a restaurant and ordered Fish & Chips.
There were a lot of food items on the menu but I knew only that item. I decided to just rest at night.
For me, Christchurch is sad and regrettable experience of the city.

Day4. Lake Tekapo

Day4. Lake Tekapo

I heard that if I go to Tekapo, I can see a lot of stars!
That's why I've been really looking forward to going to Lake Tekapo.
But the weather was cloudy and I couldn't see any stars.
I was so disappointed.
But the next morning, I saw wonderful scenery before the sunrise.
It was so silent. I could only hear the sound of gentle waves.
It was peaceful and relaxing time.
After them, I went to Church of  The Shepherd. It is so tiny and cute. I could see a panoramic view from inside the church.
I walked around the village. It was so quiet and pretty.
I thought if I can come to NewZealand again, I will live here.
I think I fell in love with Tekapo.
I Love Tekapo! I Will Miss You! :-( 

Day3. Aoraki/ Mount Cook

3rd Day. Aoraki/ Mount Cook 

Day2. Queenstown/ Milford Sound/ Te Anau/ Fiord National park

2nd day. Milford Sound

Today I went to Milford Sound on a bus tour. During the trip, I visited Te Anau, a National Park and Mirror Lake. The scenery was AWESOME and weather was also nice. I will never forget this place! And I saw a Kea bird, it was my first time. I heard the bus driver said that it was a bird that was going into extinction. So I thought that was a Kiwi even though it looked different from the toy.

After five hours, I arrived at Milford Sound and took a guided cruise. But in the cruise, I was tired and sleepy. So I couldn't enjoy that much :-(
The 2nd day was also a nice day and I took a lot of pictures haha!

South Island trip Day 1. Queenstown

1st day. Queenstown 11/6/2014

Today is the first day of South Island trip. Last night, I was worried about the weather. I heard that in NZ the weather in winter is rainy almost everyday, especially in the South Island. But in the morning, the weather became better. Good! In the afternoon, I arrived in Queenstown by airplane. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. The mountains are so high and beautiful with snow. I stayed in Nomads backpackers. It was quite big and there were many people. After unpacking, I walked around city. I was little bit nervous because I was alone. But I've heard New Zealand is safe for woman travelers. I went to Fergburger which is one of the most famous restaurants in Queenstown. I've heard from many people, that the food is so yummy and it is! When I walked around alone again, I met a Fillipino girl that had taken the same bus as me. She was so friendly and guided me around city. A highlight of the trip was when I took a Gondola. The mountain was so windy and cold but scenery was amazing! Today, I am thankful for good weather and meeting a new friend. Thanks be to God!