H.C.F Daily Prayer Meeting

H.C.F(Hamilton Christian Fellowship) has started weekly morning prayer meeting throughout the month of May.

The first time I introduced the idea of daily prayer meetings organised by  KIVF, most of the students were surprised. (In Korea, we gather every morning at 7:50am on campus to pray) and they said that will be hard for HCF to do the same.

But in May when I suggested the idea again and they said 'yes'! We gathered every wednesday at 9am at first. Finally, we tried to do daily prayer meeting for a week.

We sang worship songs, did devotions and shared prayer items after that.We prayed for non-Christians on Monday. We have many non-christian friends in HCF and in university who had prayer needs. I felt very thankful that God cares for them. I think relationships and praying for friends and family are very important for HCF as a Christian Fellowship.

On Tuesday, we shared our own personal worries and prayed for each other.

On Wednesday, we prayed for world. It was a meaningful time. We shared the prayer items we had for our countries. We prayed for New Zealand, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey. All countries have problems: some with their governments and leaders who need to keep peace and have wisdom.

On Thursday, we talked about 'What should we do to become more like Jesus?' and "How to grow our relationship with God".

On Friday, we prayed for Hamilton Christian Fellowship, Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship and Korean Inter Varsity Fellowship.

To be honest, I was worried about prayer meetings. I thought it would be boring if I lead it Korea style. Because prayer styles here is little bit different from KIVF. But God gave me wisdom on how to lead even if I felt I didn't prepare well enough. I feel that God loves it when the HCF group prays together. Before organising these prayer meetings, I did not know what to do on my mission trip to NZ. But God gave courage and confidence. And I feel I became closer to HCF students when we prayed together! Praise God!  

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