End of EGG programme

 End of EGG programme

My first month in New Zealand, everything was new—the weather, English, people and the house. I joined many groups and made many friends in Wintec and Waikato Uni. I was nervous but excited because I like to experience the new and I was free from my busy Korean life , parents and study.
When I found it hard to make friends and adapt to other cultures, I felt depressed and helplessness. I knew I needed wisdom from God. So every morning I had quiet time and God gave me the power and wisdom I needed for each day. Morning prayer meetings with HCF also gave me the strength I needed for the day.
I have often wondered what can I do here on this mission trip? During the prayer meetings I organised, we talked about our lives, God and shared prayer requests. We prayed together and prayed for the world. I am so thankful that I have been able to spend time with HCF members.

These past five months, I have learnt so many things: How to be close to new people from other cultures and adjust to new environments. Most of all, I learnt most about me. I think I am doing well! I experienced many things, and am growing globally. Most of all I feel HCFers really love each other and God really loves HCF, NZ.

I would like to say thank you to HCF. HCF encouraged when I felt depressed or lonely, HCF friends always welcomed me. I want to especially thank you for trying to understand me and bearing with my English. 
I will never forget this lovley country, NewZealand. 


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